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Sunday, July 14, 2013


Salient Features of Krishna Basin
Basin Extent
73° 17’ to 81° 9’ E
13° 10’ to 19° 22’ N
Length of Krishna River (Km)1400
Catchment Area (
Average Water Resource Potential(MCM)78120
Utilizable Surface Water Resource (MCM)58000
Live Storage Capacity of Completed Projects (MCM)41803.98
Live Storage Capacity of Projects Under Construction (MCM)7743.54
Total Live Storage Capacity of Projects (MCM)49547.52
No. of Hydrological Observation Stations52
No. of Flood Forecasting Stations9

Drainage Area (Km2)
Name of StateDrainage Area
Andhra Pradesh76,252
Total Drainage
Area of Krishna
Basin (Km2)

Hydrological Observation Stations Map

Hydropower Potential

capacity 50MW
and above)
Nagarjunsagar RC91
Nagarjunsagar CH61
Srisailam LB900

Tributaries with drainage area in sq. km.

Name of
the Tributary
Drainage area

Geology of the Basin

The geology of the Krishna basin is dominated in the northwest by the Deccan Traps, in the central part by unclassified crystallines, and in the east by the Cuddapah Group. The Dharwars (southwest central) and the Vindhian (east central) form a significant part of the outcrops within the unclassified crystallines. Krishna delta is predominantly formed by Pleistocene to recent material.

Water Potential

  • Surface Water potential:78.1 km3
  • Ground Water potential:26.41 km3

Water Quality

Based on the systematic sampling of river water at many locations in the basin, its suitability for various purposes is determined by CPCB and as per the results, the quality is not as per the desired class and BOD remains the most critical parameter. At some places, DO and total coliform are also causing problem.

Problems in the Basin

The Krishna basin particularly in east coast faces periodically flood problems in the wake of cyclonic storms.

River System

Krishna river rises in the Western Ghats at an elevation of about 1337 m. just north of Mahabaleswar, about 64 km from the Arabian Sea and flows for about 1400 km and outfalls into the Bay of Bengal. The principal tributaries joining Krishna are the Ghataprabha, the Malaprabha, the Bhima, the Tungabhadra and the Musi.

Status of Surface Water Development

The pre-plan water resources development in the basin was mostly through a few diversion works such as Kurnool-Cuddapah Canal in Andhra Pradesh and Neera canal in Maharashtra. During the plan period many storage and diversion projects were taken up and completed. Important among them are Tungabhadra, Ghataprabha, Nagarijunasagar, Malaprabha, Bhima and Bhadra. As at the end of VIth plan, there were 15completed and 24 on-going major projects in the basin. Salient features of water resources development in the basin are given in Table 9.
Against the utilizable surface water potential of 58 cubic km, the present utilisation has been estimated to be about 47 cubic km. The ground water utilisation is about 20% of the utilizable potential.
The Lrosjma Water Dispute Tribunal has allocated the 75% dependable flow of 58.3 cubic km of Krishna Water among the basin States as under:
Andhra Pradesh22.6 cubic km

By separate agreements each State has agreed to spare 0.14 cubic km of each of their share in Krishna waters to Tamil Nadu.

Hydropower Development

As per latest assessment, the hydroelectric power potential of the basin is 2997 MW at 60% load factor. Out of a total of 49 potential schemes with an installed capacity of 1947 MW are in operation. Another 11 schemes with an installed capacity of 703 MW are in various stages of construction. These together will account for 59% of the assessed potential. Thus, a considerable potential is awaiting development in this basin.

Urban Centres and Industries

The basin has rich mineral deposits and there is good potential for industrial development. Iron and steel, cement, vegetable oil extraction and rice milling are important industrial activities at present in the basin. Recently oil has been struck in this basin which is bound to have an effect on the future industrial scenario of this basin.

Hydrologic Network

Hydrological observation in the basin are carried out by the Central and State Governments. The Central Water Commission maintains 53 gauge-discharge sites in the basin. At 21 of these sites, sediment observations are also made and at 24 of the sites water quality is monitored. In addition, gauge-discharge data are available at 80 sites established by the State Governments concerned. The Central Water Commission maintains 6 flood forecasting stations in the basin.

Existing Organisation

Tunagabhadra is a major inter-States project in the basin. In order to operate the project and to regulate the flows among the beneficiary States of Karnataka and Andhara Pradesh, Tungabhadra Board has been set up under the Chairmanship of Chief Engineer, CWC with representative members from the States concerned.


Some parts of the basin, especially the Rayalaseema area of Andhra Pradesh, Bellary, Raichur, Dharwar, Chitradurga, Belgaum and Bijapur districts of Karnataka and Pune, Sholapur, Osmanabad and Ahmedanagar districts of Maharashtra are drought-prone. The delta area of the basin is subject to flooding. It has been observed that the river bed in delta area is continuously raised due to silt deposition resulting in reduction in carrying capacity of the channel. The coastal cyclonic rainfall of high intensity and short duration makes the flood problem worse.


Krishna is a mighty east flowing river of peninsular India. It is the same river as Krsnavena in the Puranas or Krsnaveni in the Yoginitantra. It is also known as Kanhapenna in Jatakas and Kanhapena in the Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela. The word Krishna also indicates dark color

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